Our global partners
Here at GraceWay, we want to use our resources and material blessings, not for our own comforts, but to further Jesus’ kingdom because He is worth it! We desire to send gifted, called people out to extend the Gospel to those who have never heard of Jesus and His Kingdom. These men and women are our Global Partners, and we encourage you to get to know them, pray for them, find out how you can support them!

Bennett Family
serving in France
Ryan & Erin are serving in Paris, France, working to make disciples of Jesus there. If you’d like to sign up for their monthly newsletter so that you can regularly pray for them, you can email them here.
Dan & joy
serving in Asia
Dan and Joy serve together in Asia teaching English. They have a unique ministry to students in their school and to ex-pats in their local house church. To inquire about Dan’s ministry, please contact office@gracewaycc.com.
K & Family
serving people in Asia
K faithfully serves those on the field by doing written translation work and helping with trauma-informed care for those in the field. To learn more about K’s ministry, email us at office@gracewaycc.com, and we’ll get you connected.
Sykes Family
serving in Dominican Republic
Jason & Sara have been serving in the Dominican Republic since 2020. Be sure to check out their website, sykesfam.org, watch their videos, and sign up for their monthly newsletter so that you can regularly pray for them.
Templeton Family
serving in Spain
Jon & Lorena Templeton have been serving in Ponferrada, Spain, where they're working to facilitate a church planting movement. You can read more about their story on their website, templetons2spain.com, and get connected with monthly updates there.
Jil Christiansen
heading to Germany
Jil Christiansen is working to raise support and follow God's calling to serve the people in Pforzheim, Germany with GOI. She continues to present her ministry and is actively working to create a support network so she can head to Germany in 2025. You can contact her directly or learn more about her ministry on her GOI webpage.